为了应付接下来柯西序列的定义, 仅仅简单地定义一下序列. 更详细的定义, 见E.Ok: Series
Def 1: 有理数序列
Def 2 (稳定): 如果
- 该定义的要求过于严格, 因为对初始值有要求
Def 2
Def 3
proposition 1:
- 证: for
, suppose , we have: . For (proposition 17 in From Natural to Rational), we have . Q.E.D - 好经典的极限证明
Def 5 (有界序列):
- 一个序列是有界的, iff
lemma 1: 任何一个有限序列都是有界的.
证: suppose for any series only contain one element
, it is bounded on as . - suppose for some n, the n-length series are bounded on M. This means
. - for
length series, we would make sure the elements are bounded on M, thus just need to compare the and M. However, because the M doesn’t need to precisely the upper bound of absolute value, then .
- suppose for some n, the n-length series are bounded on M. This means
lemma 2: 任意一个柯西序列是有界的.
. Q.E.D
Def 6 (序列完美接近):
Def 7 (序列等价):
proposition 2:
证: 这里要用一下放缩法, 因为还没定义对数, 所以不能直接取对数的模. As
. . Q.E.D
Problem Set For Series
5.2.1: 假设两序列等价, 如果其中一个序列是柯西序列, 当且仅当另外一个也一定是.
证: suppose
is cauchy series, which means: . . With the assumption that . Thus we have: . Also, there is . 简单来说就是对于任意小正数, 两序列永远比该正数还要接近. Q.E.D
5.2.2: 懒得写了